Author Archives: Luke Bennett

Disabling a previously specified max-width

I just did something stupid with my CSS but it had me scratching my head for a while. If you have a max-width set and need to disable it in a cascaded style, you need to set it to none rather than auto i.e.: This sounds obvious (and it is really), but because you usually […]

Posted in Tips | Tagged | 16 Responses

TeamCity 7 upgrade “failed to install tomcat service”

I was just (somewhat belatedly) upgrading to TeamCity 7.0 from 6.5 on a Windows Server 2008 box when I got an error. I’ve upgraded numerous times in the past without any problem, but this time I got the message “failed to install tomcat service“. I was advised to check my permissions and settings and either […]

Posted in Fixes | Tagged | 6 Responses

Useful links for getting started with web development

Update 06/02/14: I’ve just done a quick review of this post and made some changes. There’s loads more I could add but time doesn’t permit right now 🙂 Every couple of years I go back to my old school to participate in a careers convention, where people from a range of industries get together to […]

Posted in Careers | 21 Responses

Handling the proprietary CSS filter attribute in dotless

I’m a big fan of the LESS CSS library – a fantastic way of simplifying the process of writing CSS by offering a number of basic programming capabilities such as variables, functions and mixins. There are a number of implementations available for different platforms, and the purpose of this blog post is to highlight a […]

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TeamCity unable to load changes from Git due to an existing remote

I’ve recently been doing a lot of work in TeamCity, including switching over from SVN to Git (more to come on that in future blog posts). I’ve just had to deal with an odd issue which was entirely my fault but took a bit of head-scratching to figure out. I got the following exception (where […]

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